I talk about journaling in many of my blog posts. Keeping a journal doesn't necessarily mean keeping a diary. It can mean and be whatever you want it to mean and be. I have been journaling for a few years now so for me I have a wide range of different journals. From an intention-setting journal to my travel journal to my love and relationship journal. I recommend starting with a notebook/journal that you revisit at the beginning of every month in which you write and set monthly intentions. It is a great way to stay focused, get on track, and begin your writing practice.
In addition to setting monthly intentions I also take time out of every Sunday evening or sometime every Monday and I write 3-5 goals for the week ahead. An example of a week's goals looks like this:
- Eat Clean and at home weekdays
- Finish 2 blog posts this week
- Hike at least once
- Hydrate!
- Snack on fruits and veggies in between meals
For me it is very helpful to have these goals written down in my planner because I am exposed to them everyday and I am reminded of what I wanted to accomplish this week!
Because it is just as important as your physical health... in fact it could even be more important! Why? Because our mental health affects our physical health. If you wake up in a groggy, emotional, sad mood what is the likelihood you will get yourself to the gym or get yourself to do something active and positive today? Being in the right mindset each and everyday is so important and crucial to having a healthy, happy, successful day! If you are feeling like you are struggling in the mental health department don't be ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. Whether that be seeking out a therapist OR seeking out this free texting service available 24/7 called Crisis Text Line.
Manifesting and meditating are great ways to create a clear slate and vision for what it is you want to achieve or accomplish. From my dream job to my dream relationship, I can honestly say I have manifested it all! This practice has helped me keep my head clear of drama and unwanted thoughts and has allowed me to leave things up to the Universe! I personally write down my manifestations, date them, fold them up, and keep them in a sacred place. I know some people who then burn the ones that have served us or burn the ones we no longer believe will serve us. Give it a try! It is pretty liberating!
I am a huge believer in honesty and authenticity. I even made it a point to unfollow quite a few accounts at the end of 2017 that no longer served me or seemed dishonest. I am not a huge fan of seeing someone presented one way on social media and then completely different in reality. Just be yourself! Does the amount of social media followers we have help us sleep at night? I sure hope not! You will be so much more fulfilled at the end of the day as a unique individual if you are just that... a unique individual. I make it a point to surround myself with honest, authentic people because I consider myself to be an honest, authentic blogger. I only post about brands and products that I support and love AND if there is something I am not happy about or do not enjoy I make it a point to be honest about that too! Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows! If I wake up feeling like shit and skip my workout guess what? I am not ashamed to share that with the world because that is life my friend. It happens!
NEWS FLASH! Yoga is a spiritual practice my friends... but it is YOUR spiritual practice. I can't tell you how often I hear people who are afraid to go take on a yoga practice or class because they "aren't flexible enough" or they can't hold a "tree pose" or they have to "take breaks" throughout a hot yoga practice. OMG so what!!!! It is YOUR individual practice. At the beginning of class each person sets their own intention for the class...chances are your intention is completely different from the person next to you. Sometimes my intention is to get through the class without checking the time...haha sometimes it is to clear my head or to stretch my body. It is different for everyone but it will always contribute to your mental health and well-being in a positive way. If yoga isn't for you try some meditation, maybe a spiritual book, or sound bath... find what works for you.
This is the 1st book on my list this year! Find on Amazon!
Even if it is just ONE. I can't stress it enough! You will feel so accomplished by picking up that book you keep seeing at the store or on social media. Netflix will always be there don't worry! But I guarantee it won't feel as rewarding as turning that last page in that awesome book you have been reading. This year in particular I said I would read a book a month... well that didn't happen. To be honest I spent more time this year writing then reading but that didn't make me feel any less accomplished! The books I read were of amazing quality and completely life-changing in the most positive way possible for me.
If you are single stop hiding behind the app or the text and give that date a go. TRUST ME... I am the WORST when it comes to this. I gave it a go twice this year and both were learning experiences for me. Dating will help you realize what you want in a partner, what you don't want, it will help you learn things about yourself, and it may even help you realize what you really need and want in your life has been there all along. You just never know until you TRY and have those EXPERIENCES! If you are IN A RELATIONSHIP... you should also go on a date...with yourself! Don't become the friend who can never leave your significant other's side. Be independent and go do something on your own or with that friend you haven't seen in ages! BALANCE BABY!
This year was the YEAR for me in terms of doing things out of my comfort zone. As a Gemini I have always enjoyed constant conversation and company... ask any friend of mine. I can keep a conversation alive indefinetly. I always find something to talk about! But I started to really appreciate and enjoy time to and with myself. Hell I would go see movies alone, go sit and have lunch alone, I even traveled to Nicaragua alone and met a group of women I had never met before on a yoga retreat! And it was an INCREDIBLE experience. We are constantly changing and growing and by taking the time to yourself you are able to see and recognize what may no longer be serving you and you may recognize that you need some change in your life!
So you took that time to yourself and realized someone or something no longer serves you in a positive way... then REMOVE IT. I know this is easier said than done, but it truly is for the best. There is absolutely no positive reason to continue going out with that co-worker who is constantly causing drama in the office or continue to follow that guy on social media that didn't give you the time of day or respect you deserved (ask yourself does following this person on social media provide me with anything positive?) If not then the answer is simple. BYE FELICIA. Reading basically all of Gabby Bernstein's books has helped me learn and take on these practices as part of my spiritual journey. I have learned that we really do attract the vibe we put out. And if we are constantly complaining and giving off negative energy we may not see many positive outcomes occur in our life! Take that step this year to eliminate the negativity! It will be a breathe of fresh air!
Have the most beautiful, incredible NEW YEAR Fit Friends!
XoXo, Brittney